Never without ID!

The following papers should be given to you the day of the purchase of your parrot.


1 – A bill or transfer certificate (in any case)


- If you purchase your bird in a store, a bill should be given to you because the receipt has no value.


- If you purchase your bird from an amateur breeder, s/he must provide you with a transfer certificate.


The bill or the transfer certificate must indicate:


- full contact details for the seller and the buyer.
- the bird’s name in French and in Latin
- the bird’s ring number (Cf. "Open or closed ring").
- and if necessary, the CITES(*) number (if the bird is imported).


(*) CITES : Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.


2 - If the bird is imported, the certificate from the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development


If the bird is imported, the original certificate from the Ministère de l’Écologie et du Développement durable (Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development) — commonly called "CITES", including the CITES number and official stamp — should be given to you under certain conditions (see below).


This document proves that the exporting and importing countries have recorded the transport of the bird.


If you purchase your bird in France:


a) Birds born in captivity in the European Community and with a closed ring:


- If the bird is listed in Appendix B of the Washington Convention, the CITES certificate is not necessary.


- For Appendix A, only second-generation birds born in captivity in the European Community can be sold, as long as they have a CITES certificate validated by the French ministry.


b) Birds born in captivity outside the European Community and with a closed ring:


- The CITES certificate (stamped by the French ministry) is essential.


As of July 2006, it is strictly forbidden to import into the European Community any bird removed from the wild in a non-EC country.


3 – International Health Certificate


For imported birds, an international health certificate can also be provided to you.

These papers should be kept throughout the life of your parrot. They will be transmitted to the new purchaser in the event of a change in owner.


If you transport or travel with your parrot, be sure to carry these papers with you.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.